Hello everyone! Once again, it's been a few months since I've posted, but we have been a little busy! We have FINALLY moved back to Georgia, atleast only for the time being! No idea currently how long we will be here! As long as Blake is happy with what he is doing then all is well! It is so nice to be back on the east coast. Seeing all of the beautiful trees and smelling that good ol fall smell! Mmm mmm nothing like it! However, we could do without this rain! BUT thank you Lord for this rain. You know how much it was needed here and you are seeing that we get it back! Halloween is on Saturday and it will be time to fall back then! DON'T forget to set your clocks! So many things have happened in the past two months, its unreal! I'm not going to blabber about everything but God is truly blessing us in ways we never imagined! Just pray for us and all the trials that Uncle Sam throws our way! Thank you to everyone who made our move from Texas to Georgia complete and easy:
Angie and Chad
Anna and Austin
Robin, Owen, and Brit
Mom, Becca, and Haley
Meme and Papa
Connie(for watching Hoot ;))
Donna Johnson
We really couldn't have made the move and got the house without all of y'alls help! Very much appreciated and we love you all!!
I hope everyone has a happy turkey day, and remember to give thanks for all the many blessings bestowed upon your life!
I will try to stay posted before then, if not....maybe later!
God Bless