
-Blakes Trip Home-

Hey Everyone!!

It's been a while since I've posted! Blake was home for a few weeks and I was spending some well-needed quality time with him! But never-the-less, I didn't forget about everyone else!

Blake being home was awesome! We had tons of fun together and spent a lot of time with family, friends, and our little animals! We had some fun at the aquarium, as well as some fun watching tv shows back to back on the computer(thanks blake)! Lol But more importantly we just got to spend time in each others arms! You never realize how much you miss someone until they're gone for so long, then they come home, and they're gone again with the snap of your fingers! It's sad...but he'll come home again-and next time for good! I can't wait!!

Other than this...not too much more going on! Classes started on Thursday and it's already insane! 4 hrs of class followed by atleast 10 pages of homework...in ONE day! Can't wait to see how the rest of the semester is gonna go! WOO HOO!!

Well I'll close with this: TOMORROW is Rupert's First Birthday! YAY! I love my dogs soooo much! I hope everyone has a great week!!

God Bless


Hey everyone!
Today has been one exciting day! We celebrated Hootie's first birthday and it was sooo much fun! I bought him a new shirt. I think it was just a little too big for him, but he wore it with so much pride! He also got to enjoy his first bowl of apple torte. Made especially for dogs! He was so adorable and so sweet. I can't believe he's already one year old (7 years old in dog years)! Time goes by way to fast!

God Bless


Hi Everybody! This is my first post, but definitely NOT my last! Today is the 19th which means there's less than a month left before Blake is home for a little R&R! My heart is filled with sooo much joy! I cannot wait to see his handsome smile and his gorgeous blue eyes....I guess I could say that there are a lot of things that i cannot wait to see.

One week has gone by since Rupert's horrible visit to the emergency vet...but good news indeed! He's so much more chipper and feeling a lot better! Thank you God!

God Bless